New Junckers flooring in the main Games Hall area with all new court line markings

Dundee International Sports Centre (DISC)

August 2023

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Dundee International Sports Centre (DISC)

August 2023

GL Floors uplifted and removed the existing Junckers flooring from site for recycling, after all flooring, under carriage and moisture barriers were uplifted, Concrete tests were carried out to determine which level of moisture barrier was required, upon completion of these tests, the client had agreed to go with the higher resistance moisture barrier, along with the recommendation form GL Floors. There after GL Floors supplied and fitted 1380m2 of new Junckers Premium Grade Beech flooring onto a new BluBat batten system, including a new Hockey skirting detail, these works were completed in just 3 weeks.

Upon completion of the flooring works, M&M Markings proceeded to set out and
mark new courtline markings, including the over coat of lacquer on completion of line markings, as discussed andconfirmed with the Client over many meetings, these markings included:

  • 10 No. Badminton Courts
  • 2 No. Basketball Courts
  • 2 No. Netball Courts
  • 10 No. Badminton Courts
  • 1 No. Roller Derby Lines
  • 1 No. Hockey Pitch
  • 1 No. 5 A-Side Pitch
  • 1 No. Futsal Court
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